Official Partnership with @littlefreelibrary


We are excited to announce that @littlefreelibrary has selected Read 4 Unity as one of their official partners in expanding access to diverse K-8 books in book desert areas!

We will be receiving a generous donation of multiple LFL units (and a starter kit of diverse books!) this summer, and we will be placing them in strategic site partner locations in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Washington DC!

Read 4 Unity is committed to work directly with our identified site partners to ensure that the units are filled with empowering and diverse stories that reflect our readers and get them excited to turn a page.

Please join us to provide an ongoing supply of books to these site partners!

To make a tax deductible donation:

GOAL: 4000 books by Dec 31 2023.

Thank you for standing with us in being a bridge of unity through books!

#partnership #littlefreelibrary #read4unity


New LFL Unit Installations!


Teaming up with @desibookaunty!